Minggu, 19 April 2009

Nippon, Imagodei concert and Goodbyes :(

Right then, so yesterday was D-day for my friends who participates for the Japan trip...strangely yesterday i woke up with a funny feeling that I felt the same last year when i was going to Japan that day.... those beatiful memory never leaves upt o now....I miss my friends in Japan:) and for my friends going to Japan, have a nice trip, BANZAI!!!!

Yesterday also I went to the Imagodei Concert that Carla invited me to and it was such an experience!!!! there was this drama play about a teenage boy having the same fate like Ayub (don't know what's Ayub in English :[ ) he lost his parents, his relatives died and somehow he also got HIV AIDS (i....dont want to imagine how he got this) but then he was able to stay steadfast towards his believe to God and saved his friendship. Then he became the youngest music composer in Asia.
Beside the play, there's also some performance by the people from the organization themself and from a guest star, Ello. When he was on the stage, all of a sudden people go crazy and wild and the whole auditorium filled with cheers and music and all....(typical)

And now about the "Goodbye" theme that has been circulating between my friends, whether it is in Facebook, MSN or they're own blog. Personally, this theme and the title itself is one thing i really really really really dont want to see. But hey, it's one of so many things we cannot avoid.
Its hard saying goodbye to someone we have been knowing for a long,long,long time....but sometimes it doesnt only happen to people we know for a long time because it alos happens when we know a person we have spent time with for a week or two, and that person is so nice to us, so friendly, a helpful person and all of good things you can think of. That last one happened to me when i was about to leave the school i have been attending for one week in Japan. They were...so....fricking....nice to EVERYONE OF US!!!! theyre talking and joking with us as if we have know each other for a long time! (and i dearly hope that it was not a big charade >>). Then on the last day, they gave me a photobook they candidly took....and on tha last page was a picture of the class i was attending with no one there, only theyre stuffs are lying everywhere..............strangely, that last bit was so touching that i cried beacuse of it (please....dont laugh at it) and when we were leaving the school compound with the bus, THEY RAN AND FOLLOWED US FROM THE SCHOOL GATES TO THE TRAFFIC LIGHT, WHICH WAS A LONG WAY TO GO!!!! (i hope im not exagerating this...) and that touched me so hard i cried even more (uggghh.........) i say to myself will i ever meet them again? cuz this " good bye" is just...to....epic.

Well, i believe that God has a plan for all of us waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy back when we was in our mothers womb. Every person we met and befriends with,I believe God already weave a bond with those people. And if ever we are separeted from them, the bond will still be there and one day we will cross paths with them again:)

that's all for now
see yah people

(note to self: summarize things, dont write gigantic paragraphs )

Senin, 13 April 2009


ok...nge blog pertama kali seumur hidup:P
buat yg liat judulnya, mungkin dpt impresi kalo kyknya nyombong gt tp gk ada maksud buat kyk gt.
Kenapa? karena setiap hari pasti kita semua punya tantangan2 yg bakal kita hadapi mau itu gampang atau susah bgt, mau itu disuruh ngerjain classwork yg ngebingungin ampe disuruh maju kedepan MPH buat ngomong.(mungkin gk terlalu susah si buat beberapa orang, tapi itu tantangan juga kan?)
yah...mungkin penjelasan diatas rada gk jelas buat orang2 tp semoga lu ngerti maksud gua :)
selalu inget bahwa di balik tantangan adalah hidup yg lbih baik, bukan lebih buruk karena kalo manusia mau berusaha dan minta petunjuk-Nya Tuhan pasti seneng ama kita:)

untuk kali ini sekian dulu
auf wiedersehen